StokerCon Panel – A Decade of Black Women in Horror

Where do I begin? I moderated a 50-minute panel celebrating black women in horror with a dream group of authors—Jewelle Gomez, Linda D. Addison, Sumiko Saulson, Kenya Moss-Dyme, Paula D. Ashe, L. Marie Wood, and R.J. Joseph. Addison is the first African American to win a Bram Stoker Award, and Saulson, Ashe, Wood, and Joseph all had works nominated this year. In total, six black women were nominated for Stoker Awards in 2023, and Nuzo Onoh received the Lifetime Achievement Award. I led us in a discussion that ended up touching upon everything from the Chitlin’ Circuit to lesbian vampires, all amid cheers and laughter.

I cannot say enough about the women gathered on the panel and in the room, including Mo Moshaty, Erin E. Adams, P.M. Raymond, and Denise Tapscott in the audience. The event was love and support and every wonderful feeling I had hoped for. I could sense our ancestors in the room.

When our time was up, everyone in the room concluded that 50 minutes just wasn’t long enough.


2023 Bram Stoker Awards Banquet and Ceremony


StokerCon Author Reading