Event: “Homegrown Horrors” Apr 17 Written By Tamika Thompson If you're in the San Francisco Bay Area on Saturday, April 22nd at 6pm, please join me and the Horror Writers Association’s SF Bay Chapter for "Homegrown Horrors," a Hayward Lit Hop event. I'll be reading from my collection, Unshod, Cackling, and Naked, alongside authors Elana Gomel, Sumiko Saulson, and Ken Hueler.Details: haywardlithop.com. Tamika Thompson
Event: “Homegrown Horrors” Apr 17 Written By Tamika Thompson If you're in the San Francisco Bay Area on Saturday, April 22nd at 6pm, please join me and the Horror Writers Association’s SF Bay Chapter for "Homegrown Horrors," a Hayward Lit Hop event. I'll be reading from my collection, Unshod, Cackling, and Naked, alongside authors Elana Gomel, Sumiko Saulson, and Ken Hueler.Details: haywardlithop.com. Tamika Thompson